The demand for biomaterials is clearly increasing -- K Trade Fair

The demand for biomaterials is clearly increasing

Arne Festerling
Logo Circular Economy @ K

Interview with Arne Festerling, Sales Manager at ENTEX Rust & Mischke GmbH

Within the framework of circular economy scheme promoted by the EU, the amount of recyclates to be processed should be distinctly increased. Is there a need for your machines to be technically adapted?

Which role does the quality of recyclates play in terms of processing?

Do your customers show increasing interest in using recyclates?

Does this demand concern bio-based or biodegradable plastics?

Can this material be recycled?

Recently, China has introduced collection systems in 46 cities, just like that. Can the country act as a role model?

But the Chinese are currently catching up in the field of machine technology, aren’t they?

Many companies from the world of plastics complain that the bad image discourages skilled workers. Do you also have the feeling?

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