Circular Economy -- K Trade Fair

Latest articles on circular economy

– in fascinating scientific and political times

Hermann Staudinger’s life

On 10. December 1953, when he was 72 years old, a retired professor and past the peak of his creative scientific career, Hermann Staudinger received belated honours: the Nobel Prize in Chemistry as the unparalleled culmination of his life’s work, which was devoted to basic chemical research and the theoretical foundations of plastics chemistry.
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Nanyang Technological University

NTU Singapore scientists convert plastics into useful chemicals using sunlight

Chemists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have discovered a method that could turn plastic waste into valuable chemicals by using sunlight.
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Logo Association German mechanical and plant engineering, VDMA

VDMA Circular Economy Forum as central hub for Circular Economy at K 2019

Interview series on circular economy

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Logo Globals Plastics Alliance

The Global Plastics Flow Study is the first of its kind to document facts and figures about the circular economy in 44 countries around the world in a uniform and comprehensive manner.

Foto: Bakterien

Recycling plastics with bio-technology

No Plastic Waste in the environment

Logo: Alliance to end plastic waste

Eliminate plastic waste in our environment

Recycling plastics sensibly

Titel of Newsletter "Envisioning tomorrow"

Material with added value

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