Science Campus -- K Trade Fair

Science Campus

insights into pioneering technologies
Top-class exhibitors
Meet the scientific community

A condensed overview of scientific activities and results

Science Campus Participants

Logo: Leibniz-Insitut für Polymerforschung Dresden
Logo: Fraunhofer Insitut
Logo: IKT Stuttgart
Logo: Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Kunststofftechnik
Logo: swiss plastics
Logo: Johannes Kepler University Linz
Logo: Karlsruher Insitut für Technologie
Logo: TU Wien
Logo: Kunststoff Institut Lüdenscheid
Logo: BKV
Logo: WAK
Logo: TU Dresden, Insitut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik

In line with the Hot Topics

The Science Campus exhibits were orientated on the Hot Topics of K 2019:

Plastics Industry 4.0

The level of digital interconnectivity influences your company’s success. Realising smart factories is now within reach.
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Plastics for Sustainable Development

Nowadays it is not enough to evaluate materials solely based on their functionality. Their sustainability is gaining importance, as well.
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Systems Integration

Exceptional times require exceptional materials. Polymers can be designed expediently and efficiently for the required application.
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Young Professionals

Machines and technology are not the key players in our industrialised world. Humans take centre stage and achieve progress with their knowledge, experience and skill.
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