Science -- K Trade Fair


Overview: Science

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No storm in a teacup - it's a cyclone on a silicon chip


University of Queensland researchers have combined quantum liquids and silicon-chip technology to study turbulence for the first time, opening the door to new navigation technologies and improved understanding of the turbulent dynamics of cyclones and other extreme weather.
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Breakthrough innovation enabling cheaper solar energy production is one step closer to the market


Material, synthesised by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania scientists, which self-assemble to form a molecular-thick electrode layer, presents a facile way of realising highly efficient perovskite single-junction and tandem solar cells.
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Better studying superconductivity in single-layer graphene


A new study published in EPJ B demonstrates that an existing technique is better suited for probing superconductivity in pure, single-layer graphene than previously thought. The insight could allow physicists to understand more about the widely varied properties of graphene; potentially aiding the development of new technologies.
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New way to make biomedical devices from silk yields better products with tunable qualities


Researchers have developed a novel, significantly more efficient fabrication method for silk that allows them to heat and mold the material into solid forms for a wide range of applications, including medical devices. ...
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Tiny quantum sensors watch materials transform under pressure


Scientists at Berkeley Lab have converted diamonds' atomic flaws into atomic sensors that could lead to a new generation of smart materials.
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Unique polymer fibers: Light, strong, and tough


Strong and tough yet as light as a feather -- materials with this exceptional combination of properties are urgently needed in many industrial sectors and in medicine, as well as being of great interest for scientific research. A research team from the University of Bayreuth has developed polymer fibers with precisely these properties. ...
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Blueprint for nanomaterial development offers hope to newborns, elderly and busy doctors


Newborn babies, elderly people, sick hospital patients and sports enthusiasts all stand to gain from a breakthrough in the development of wearable technology using nanomaterials from the University of Sussex.
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NTU Singapore scientists convert plastics into useful chemicals using sunlight


Chemists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have discovered a method that could turn plastic waste into valuable chemicals by using sunlight.
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Scrubbing carbon dioxide from smokestacks for cleaner industrial emissions


An international collaboration co-led by an Oregon State University chemistry researcher has uncovered a better way to scrub carbon dioxide from smokestack emissions, which could be a key to mitigating global climate change.
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Punching holes in opaque solar cells turns them transparent


Researchers have found an effective and inexpensive strategy to transform solar cells from opaque to transparent. Existing transparent solar cells tend to have a reddish hue and lower efficiency, but by punching holes that are around 100 μm in diameter on crystalline silicon wafers, it allows light through without coloring. ...
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