Science -- K Trade Fair


Overview: Science

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Research against microplastics: TU Freiberg develops new process for natural-based microparticles in cosmetics


The impact of microplastics on animals and humans has not been researched in the long term. Scientists at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg wants to develop together with scientists of the Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz and the TU Munich as well as three industrial partners an innovative atomization process for the production of new bio-based and biodegradable microparticles.
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Bottom-up-Synthese von kristallinen 2D-Polymeren


Scientists at TU Dresden have succeeded in synthesizing sheet-like 2D polymers by a bottom-up process for the first time. A novel synthetic reaction route was developed for this purpose. The 2D polymers consist of only a few single atomic layers and, due to their very special properties, are a promising material for use in electronic components and systems of a new generation.
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How to design efficient materials for OLED displays


Scientists of the Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research have now investigated how organic semiconductors can be designed such that the electric conduction is not influenced by microscopic defects.
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Silicon as a semiconductor: Silicon carbide would be much more efficient


In power electronics, semiconductors are based on the element silicon - but the energy efficiency of silicon carbide would be much higher. Physicists of the University of Basel, the Paul Scherrer Institute and ABB explain what exactly is preventing the use of this combination of silicon and carbon in the scientific journal Applied Physics Letters.
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Scars: gone with the foam


Poorly healing wounds and severe scarring are more than just a cosmetic problem; they can significantly impair a person's mobility and health. Empa researchers have now developed a foam that is supposed to prevent excessive scarring and help wounds to heal quickly. An essential ingredient: the yellow ginger tumeric.
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Self healing robots that "feel pain"


Over the next three years, researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Cambridge, École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI-Paris) and Empa will be working together with the Dutch Polymer manufacturer SupraPolix on the next generation of robots: (soft) robots that ‘feel ...
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Artificial heart valves: new coating procedure could reduce risk of thrombosis


A research team from materials science has developed a method of connecting plastics which enables completely new applications. For example in heart valves, to which hardly any blood adheres.
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Innovative materials with carbon fibres made from algae


In combination with granite or other types of hard rock, carbon fibres make possible all-new construction and building materials. Theoretical calculations show: If the carbon fibres are produced from algae oil, production of the innovative materials extracts more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it sets free.
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Wireless microengine made from a twisted fibre


A highly efficient, micro-sized motor-cum-energy storage system has been presented in the journal ‘Science’. The ‘microengine’ is made from polymeric micro-fibres, which are stiff at room temperature. When heated, the fibres become elastic and can be twisted – like a model aeroplane powered by a rubber band....
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5000 tons of plastic released into the environment every year


Plastic should not be found in the environment. In order to estimate for the first time the exact extent of plastic pollution in Switzerland, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) has mandated Empa researchers to calculate how much plastic gets into the environment. Empa has analyzed the seven most frequently used types of plastic. According to the study, ...
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