Dr Fritz Klatte, one of the pioneers of plastics chemistry, died on 11. February 1934. The patents he obtained in 1912 and 1913 formed the basis for the first thermoplastic polymers, particularly polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Klatte did not live to experience their global success – his death at the age of 53 meant that others enjoyed the benefits of his research and that his reputation faded at times.21/12/2017
A Christmas tree that neither prickles nor loses its needles? That is so easy to look after that it doesn’t even need water and still has all its foliage in January even so? This is not wishful thinking but reality– although the tree we are talking about is not natural. Because it is not found in a forest; it is made synthetically. In the USA, every third Christmas tree is already made of plastic.13/11/2017
An artificial heart would be an absolute lifesaver for people with cardiac failure. However, to recreate the complex organ in the laboratory, one would first need to work out how to grow multi-layered, living tissues. Researchers have now come one step closer to this goal: by means of a spraying process, they have created functioning muscle fibers a three-dimensional synthetic polymer scaffold.11/10/2017
On 11. October 1952, 65 years ago to the day, Messe Düsseldorf opened the first K – the trade fair for the plastics and rubber industry that is still the leading event for this sector today. We are taking a look back at the year in which K began and invite you to accompany us as we return to what was both an eventful and momentous time.25/09/2017
Summer is on the retreat and autumn is back. The days are becoming noticeably shorter and the temperature is dropping while rain showers are unpleasantly cold and wet rather than refreshing, like they were only a short time ago. Especially on the skin and inside one’s shoes, when the water gets through the seams. Waterproof footwear made out of plastic with a shaft, i.e. a tubular extension ...31/08/2017
Every year, more than 1.5 billion old car tyres are taken out of service around the world. If they were stacked on top of each other, the pile of tyres would reach from the earth to the moon – about 380,000 kilometres. Up to now, one third of old tyres in Germany have been incinerated to recover energy. Scientists from Chemnitz Technical ...