Polymerprice Reports -- K Trade Fair


Overview: Polymerprice Reports

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Engineering Thermoplastics August 2013


Still little movement with most types / PP compounds up due to C3 / Cost increases rattle foundations in September / Upward pressure set to rise
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Engineering Thermoplastics July 2013


Smooth Q3 transition / Most prices roll over / Slight drops in ABS and PP / No ordering slump / Despite declining feedstock costs, binding Q3 contracts dictate landscape
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Standard Thermoplastics July 2013


All products rise despite stagnating costs / Market tight due to poor supply and normal demand / Monomer-plus-margin strategy drives calls for hikes
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Engineering Thermoplastics March 2013


Rollover dominates / ABS and PA 6 weaken / POM slips amid mounting pressure from copolymer imports / PP lifted by higher C3 window / All signs point to rises in April
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Standard Thermoplastics in March 2013


Producers find it hard to pass on costs / Cold weather, soft markets and reluctant buyers dash hike hopes / Cost reduction and rising demand jockey for position in April
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Standard Thermoplastics in February 2013


Most notations show little change / PE largely rolls over / PP and PVC up slightly / PS and EPS slightly softer / Demand slack / Upturn likely in March
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Engineering Thermoplastics in February 2013


Distribution market sheds more feathers / Supply restrictions meet with weak demand / Direct business starts to pick up / All signs point to hikes in March
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Engineering Thermoplastics in January 2013


New year begins on a subdued note / Despite expensive benzene, ABS and PC barely move / PA, POM and PMMA prices down / Little risk of hikes, except for PP
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Standard Thermoplastics in January 2013


Price hikes come to a halt in mid-month / Producers still net reasonable margin gains / Slow start to demand / February likely similar
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