Apropos K -- K Trade Fair


Overview: Apropos K

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Artificial heart valves: new coating procedure could reduce risk of thrombosis


A research team from materials science has developed a method of connecting plastics which enables completely new applications. For example in heart valves, to which hardly any blood adheres.
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Wireless microengine made from a twisted polymer fibre


A highly efficient, micro-sized motor-cum-energy storage system has been presented in the journal ‘Science’. The ‘microengine’ is made from polymeric micro-fibres, which are stiff at room temperature. When heated, the fibres become elastic and can be twisted – like a model aeroplane powered by a rubber band....
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Innovative materials with carbon fibres made from algae


In combination with granite or other types of hard rock, carbon fibres make possible all-new construction and building materials. Theoretical calculations show: If the carbon fibres are produced from algae oil, production of the innovative materials extracts more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it sets free.
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Porsche launches low-volume production with bio-based materials


Automaker Porsche is leveraging the benefits of organic materials in automotive manufacturing applications. The new 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport features body parts made of natural-fiber composite materials ...
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Plastic water bottles may one day fly people cross-country


A research group led by Washington State University scientists has found a way to turn regular plastic waste products into jet fuel.
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Yoghurt in plastic tubs


Light, stable, safe and simple to transport: these were the main requirements that the yoghurt packaging was supposed to satisfy. On 10. May 1963, Meierei-Zentrale Berlin presented its new, square tub made of plastic. In doing so, it pioneered a convenient way to eat yoghurt that had been unknown until then.
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People recycle more when they know what recyclable waste becomes


A new study shows that consumers recycle more when they think about how their waste can be transformed into new products. Change the conversation from 'Where does this go?' to 'What does this create?' to increase recycling rates.
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Synthetic rubber outperforms natural rubber


Natural rubber from rubber trees is a raw material with a limited supply. Synthetically produced rubber, on the other hand, has not yet been able to match the abrasion behavior of the natural product, rendering it unsuitable for truck tires. But now, for the first time, a new type of synthetic rubber has been developed that achieves 30 to 50 percent less abrasion than natural rubber.
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Shrink films get a grip (video)


Many people fondly remember playing with toys known as Shrinky Dinks - sheets of polystyrene plastic with shapes that kids can color, cut out and heat in an oven, where they shrink into thicker pieces of plastic. Now, researchers have repurposed shrink films for an unexpected use: making strong, durable grippers ...
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Flexible circuits for 3D printing


A research cooperation between the University of Hamburg and DESY has developed a process suitable for 3D printing that can be used to produce transparent and mechanically flexible electronic circuits. The technique can enable new applications such as printable light-emitting diodes, solar cells or tools with integrated circuits, as the ...
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