PLASTIC FANTASTIC: Ship ahoy! -- K Trade Fair


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The largest object made from additive manufacturing is afloat (Photo: UMaine Advanced Structures and Composites Center)
When in possession of the worlds largest 3D printer, its a no brainer to aim high. Bagging three Guinness World Records at once, the University of Maines Advanced Structures & Composites Center manufactured the largest solid 3D-printed object and biggest 3D-printed boat. Weighing in at over 2 tonnes, 3Dirigo is the 7.6 m patrol boat resulting from a naval engineering partnership with Navatek. Dirigo is Latin for I direct and the state of Maines motto, appropriately alluding to the Polar Star that guides mariners.

The enormous and quick printer can manufacture something as big as 30.5 x 6.7 m that is up to 3 m tall, with a throughput of more than 200 kg/h. For the 3Dirigo, the whole boatbuilding process only took 72 hours but can be watched in about 1/10,000th of that time here.

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